Coda Rayo-Garza, M.A., PhD Candidate
Policy Advocate and Researcher
Media and Public Engagement
Forget the Alamo: The Rise and Fall of an American Myth
A TruBook Talk with Jason Stanford
On Friday, July 16, 2021, Truman National Security Project hosted Jason Stanford, co-author of "Forget the Alamo: The Rise and Fall of an American Myth.” In Forget the Alamo: The Rise and Fall of an American Myth, three noted Texan writers combine forces to tell the real story of the Alamo, dispelling the myths, exploring why they had their day for so long, and explaining why the ugly fight about its meaning is now coming to a head. This book talk was moderated by 2018 Truman National Security Project Political Partner Coda Rayo-Garza.
Gender Equity
Univision Spanish Interview
Una mujer hispana en San Antonio podría ganar menos que sus compañeras de otras razas o que sus pares hombres por hacer el mismo trabajo. La organización YWCA encabeza una campaña para evitar la desigualdad salarial.
Watch Coda discuss wage equity on behalf of YWCA San Antonio.
Panelist: Voting & Elections
San Antonio Report - CityFest
Alongside other community leaders, Coda participated in a panel on the election and voting during the time of a pandemic.
Guest Speaker: Mujer, Poder, Hoy
Sharing Wage Equity Work
Coda conducted work for the YWCA San Antonio leading the organization's wage equity awareness campaign. She visited with Teresa Garza, founder of the blog and TVSA series, Mujer, Poder, Hoy, to share more about the campaign. You can watch a part of the interview here:
Guest Speaker: TruCon 2020
Brief Story of Self
Last week, Coda was featured sharing her story of self at the annual TruCon. Click here to watch.
Presenter: Texas Latino Policy Symposium
October 1-2, 2020
Coda presented at the third Texas Latino Policy Symposium. She showcased her policy brief on Texas colonias and the need to reinvest in our democracy via border communities. Learn more about the symposium at
Presenter: Scholarship + Activism: Workshop
Helping Build Scholar Activist Capacity
This past July, Coda led and facilitated a workshop organized by the American Education Research Association (AERA) Peace Sign and Southeastern Women's Studies Association (SWESA) on writing op-eds for activism. One of thematic setting questions included: As scholars, how can we utilize our scholarship to advocate for policy change?
New Leaders Council: Caucus Week
Policy Co-Lead
Coda is currently the NLC Women's Caucus Policy Co-Lead. For more information on NLC and the upcoming caucus week presentations, visit